Monday, July 27, 2009

A Horrible Dream ;

Don't you hate it when you wake up all of a sudden because your dream ended up very horrible?
That happened to me just now.

Have you ever expected dreaming about someone important to you,
For a long time, you've always wanted to dream about them and they finally appeared,
Only to see them in your dream as a complete different person.

How did that happen?

When you approach and attempt to talk to them,
They will just turn and walk away as if it was nothing.
And you're there, standing, wondering what have you done.

What did I do?

I woke up filled with worry, anxiety and fear.
I was worried my friend who I really care about, will soon become a complete different person like it was on the dream.
Scared... that we are not going to be friends anymore.

I am scared.

I've always believed what happens to my dreams are soon going to happen.
I'm not sure when. But I know it's anytime soon.
Not sure if this is just paranoia or it's going to be reality later on.

I hope not.

I like dreams a lot.
I just don't like horrible ones.

I just hope everything's going to be the same.


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