Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's been ;

Eleven days since I posted a blog here. I've been lagging, huh? Wellps, I think I'm going to write a lot of what has been happening lately. :]
I dont know, in form of several different entries? Don't worry, I'll write some thoughtful ones, too xD

It's been a month since Michael Jackson passed away. I got over it already, but I still cant believe that happened so soon and sudden.
That month has beeeen very quick, huh? It was just last month when I was at the beach having fun until I heard the news.
But he's already six feet deep, I already left him alone.

I woke up from the weirdest dream. In one scene, I was at a public school in the Philippines as a student, and you know how dirty and crappy they get. Before I know it, I was sent to a movie scene with some guy trying to kill my friends and I then some doode jumped into the man and the man shot himself! After a dramatic scene, I woke up.
I went driving right after I woke up. I'm getting my turns in check! I hate U-turns though. -___-.
After that, I just watched more anime and got sidetracked from reading Final Fantasy related articles to watching YouTube videos about people hating on skinny jeans. WTF?!
Hmm, I went to a typical Filipino party. Food is gooood, but I got full easily. After I ate, I sat all by myself and was texting or falling asleep. :]]

Now I'm at home.
I'm scared, I might not be going there for next year. -____-
Wellps, yeah. Thanks for reading! xD

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