Tuesday, July 14, 2009


What a long day...

I started the day with Joe Inoue's 「GO★」. Lately, I've been listening to that song...and only that song! It's a very awesome song though :].
By 2PM, I went to Guardian Angel to have them sign my permit. Now I can drive with a parent, sweeet! :]... I passed by Krikorian, though. I cannot believe I already see campers waiting for the Harry Potter movie. OMGWTFKOREANBBQ! Seriously nao? What the hell are you going to do in 10 hours?! Sheesh. T__T

Anyway, Since there's still a lot of time for me before I go to church, I then went with JD to theMills and shopped a little bit. We went around to a lot of stores, goofed around and just chilled. I ended up at Anchor Blue spending the $50 giftcard I won at the Twitter game. :]. I got myself a new pair of jeans, a polo shirt and a scarf. YUMMY! xD

After theMills, I went to church for a youthnight // bonfire. Since the city of Loma Linda doesn't allow us to set up a fire, we did an improptu version. Candles were used instead. It was hot anyway, so the candles were just used for lighting. A lot of things happened, tons of crazy, funny, bizzare, and amazing times. Yay for skits and horrible singing! After all, I was very happy I even went there. Tahaha, plus I wanted to breathe some outside air. It gets tiring living on my room after a while.

I'm going to Knotts Berry Farm tomorrow! This should be fun! Yaaaaay! :]]

Now I'm back home; Sore legs from walking around, still has to do laundry, and a small nap so I won't oversleep for Knotts tomorrow.
Wellps, two blog entries in less than an hour. That's awesome :]

Thanks for reading,

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