Monday, July 27, 2009

A Horrible Dream ;

Don't you hate it when you wake up all of a sudden because your dream ended up very horrible?
That happened to me just now.

Have you ever expected dreaming about someone important to you,
For a long time, you've always wanted to dream about them and they finally appeared,
Only to see them in your dream as a complete different person.

How did that happen?

When you approach and attempt to talk to them,
They will just turn and walk away as if it was nothing.
And you're there, standing, wondering what have you done.

What did I do?

I woke up filled with worry, anxiety and fear.
I was worried my friend who I really care about, will soon become a complete different person like it was on the dream.
Scared... that we are not going to be friends anymore.

I am scared.

I've always believed what happens to my dreams are soon going to happen.
I'm not sure when. But I know it's anytime soon.
Not sure if this is just paranoia or it's going to be reality later on.

I hope not.

I like dreams a lot.
I just don't like horrible ones.

I just hope everything's going to be the same.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's been ;

Eleven days since I posted a blog here. I've been lagging, huh? Wellps, I think I'm going to write a lot of what has been happening lately. :]
I dont know, in form of several different entries? Don't worry, I'll write some thoughtful ones, too xD

It's been a month since Michael Jackson passed away. I got over it already, but I still cant believe that happened so soon and sudden.
That month has beeeen very quick, huh? It was just last month when I was at the beach having fun until I heard the news.
But he's already six feet deep, I already left him alone.

I woke up from the weirdest dream. In one scene, I was at a public school in the Philippines as a student, and you know how dirty and crappy they get. Before I know it, I was sent to a movie scene with some guy trying to kill my friends and I then some doode jumped into the man and the man shot himself! After a dramatic scene, I woke up.
I went driving right after I woke up. I'm getting my turns in check! I hate U-turns though. -___-.
After that, I just watched more anime and got sidetracked from reading Final Fantasy related articles to watching YouTube videos about people hating on skinny jeans. WTF?!
Hmm, I went to a typical Filipino party. Food is gooood, but I got full easily. After I ate, I sat all by myself and was texting or falling asleep. :]]

Now I'm at home.
I'm scared, I might not be going there for next year. -____-
Wellps, yeah. Thanks for reading! xD

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


What a long day...

I started the day with Joe Inoue's 「GO★」. Lately, I've been listening to that song...and only that song! It's a very awesome song though :].
By 2PM, I went to Guardian Angel to have them sign my permit. Now I can drive with a parent, sweeet! :]... I passed by Krikorian, though. I cannot believe I already see campers waiting for the Harry Potter movie. OMGWTFKOREANBBQ! Seriously nao? What the hell are you going to do in 10 hours?! Sheesh. T__T

Anyway, Since there's still a lot of time for me before I go to church, I then went with JD to theMills and shopped a little bit. We went around to a lot of stores, goofed around and just chilled. I ended up at Anchor Blue spending the $50 giftcard I won at the Twitter game. :]. I got myself a new pair of jeans, a polo shirt and a scarf. YUMMY! xD

After theMills, I went to church for a youthnight // bonfire. Since the city of Loma Linda doesn't allow us to set up a fire, we did an improptu version. Candles were used instead. It was hot anyway, so the candles were just used for lighting. A lot of things happened, tons of crazy, funny, bizzare, and amazing times. Yay for skits and horrible singing! After all, I was very happy I even went there. Tahaha, plus I wanted to breathe some outside air. It gets tiring living on my room after a while.

I'm going to Knotts Berry Farm tomorrow! This should be fun! Yaaaaay! :]]

Now I'm back home; Sore legs from walking around, still has to do laundry, and a small nap so I won't oversleep for Knotts tomorrow.
Wellps, two blog entries in less than an hour. That's awesome :]

Thanks for reading,

julyThirteen ;

I was lazy to update my blog yesterday, so I'll just do it today. T__T

I started my day...and even the whole night/earlymorning staying up with Megan. She was leaving for theNetherlands on the same day. So there, we just texted and texted until she had to turn off the phone cause she's on the plane.
I miss her now though. T___T

A few hours later;
So I was at the DMV to get my permit test, after waiting forever for my turn I finally took the test. I was pretty nervous, but when I find out most of the answers were nothing but common sense, everything went smooth from there. I was finally done. Very scared on how many answers I got wrong... but turns out I only missed three, and I passed!

Now, I have a Learner's Permit! :]
But it was weird, though. I never studied and reviewed at all. I even cheated my way to completing the online driving lessons just to get it over with! :]
Nevermind that, though. I still have my permit xD

From there, I just did the usual when I got back home.
*sigh, I'm tired :]]

Saturday, July 11, 2009

That was very fast. ;

It's already been a month since school ended!
That was a very quick month :]]
I didn't even realize it's been that long.

Let's see what I did over the first month of summer;
  • I started summer with MVP Valentine, a Taiwanese drama that took me five days to finish 26 episodes.
  • Arizona and Grand Canyon over that weekend.
  • As soon as I came back home, I started watching Ouran High School Host Club for the second time, finished by less than 4 days.
  • I went to Huntington Beach on the 25th for ateSkuh's birthday with more than 25 friends. We all had fun.
  • ...but that's also the day Michael Jackson passed away. I was very sad. T____T
  • Watched Slam Dunk, a basketball-themed anime for the second time. Took me a whole week to finish. Very intresting indeed.
  • Wrote a couple of blogs here and there and tried something new like DJ Mixing and the such.

Dayng, that was a lot, actually. But I'm not satisfied! I feel like I haven't done anything awesome yet. I wanna try drawing, origami, and VLogging. I think they are interesting. Learning backflips and going back to dancing once again, as well. Also maybe a video game marathon? With RPG games I grew up playing and finishing, probably? I dont know.

I apologize this blog is kind of unorganized in every way possible.
I just wanted to list out what I did :]]
But anyway, I have one more month to spend. Probably I can do all the things I mentioned above? Who knows. Tahahah.

Anyways, I'm done.
This blog entry is a mess. T___T
Till next time!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

discJockey ;

DJing?! You gotta be kidding me! :]

Today, I decided to mess around with VirtualDJ, a DJ mixing software. I had nothing better to do, so I gave it a shot. With a few MP3 files, a keyboard, mouse and a pair of headphones for cue playback I tried to imitate how the DJ mixed the songs in this YouTube video.

It took me hours to understand the technique behind it. Though I had a hard time, it was fun messing with it :]]. I can at least beatmatch from one song to another, but I'm kinda having a difficult time beatmatching and transitioning to the third song. Oh, the difficulty.

Anyhow, I think I learned something new today. Something awesome and I can at least show off my noobability to my friends xD. WHY didn't I do this earlier?! I would have learned tons of new things every single day. *sigh. Ohwell, might as well just start now :]]

This is one of my random blabbers, very different from the other two entries I made lately.
Thank you for reading. Next time, it's an another well thought entry.

Until then,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

tooLate ;

I was too late.

Don't you hate it when you always wanted to ask or tell someone something that seems very important to you. Only to know they already left somewhere far and you're not going to see or have any connection with them in a very long time.
I hate it, I really do.

It happened to me. I've been wanting to ask my friend if we can hang out for a long time. For two weeks, actually. When I actually asked it, I was too late.
I was only one day late.

I felt very discouraged. I was devastated. It seemed like I can never hang out with them anymore. It felt my chances just became next to impossible.
I missed my chance.

I started thinking. If I just asked a few days, or even a few hours earlier, what would happen? Will things be the same? Is it going to make a difference, or even a very small one? What would it be? As this wasn't the case,
I have no idea.

If only I asked in time. I would at least have a last conversation or even a hang out with them before they leave and I could have told them my regards to have a safe trip. Things would have been much better for both of us. Or so it seems. I wish it ended up that way, but.

I was too late.

Monday, July 6, 2009

dearestFriend ;

Hey hey, how's it been?

It's been five months.
The first time I said hi to you.
We've talked a lot of times before. During class and then-lately, before we even go to class. Though I've never said a simple "hi" to you prior to that day, we would talk that seemed endless until it is time for us to head to class. From homework to the most random things, we never failed to stopped talking. It just kept going and going and going!

It's been five months.
Since we knew each others names.
Prior to that day and despite the fact I've talked to you a couple of times before, we never our names. The words "hey" or something replacing the names were used to each other. I knew I was just waiting for the right time to ask for your name. And then the day came. I told you how we've been talking lately but never seem to know our names. So then I asked, you replied with your name. I then responded by "Christian, pleased to meet you". Complete with a handshake.

It's been five months.
The first time I walked with you alone.
I remembered the conversations well. We talked about a lot of things, but we were walking too fast. I know it's going to end very soon, so I just made the best out of it.

It's been five months.
Since we've became friends.
I knew from that handshake, we're finally friends. I made a new friend. From there, many interesting things happened which I cannot express through words. We talked a lot, messed around soo much, taught each other some new things, helping each other, and the best of all; we got to know each other. Over the course of that short time, we formed bonds and trust.

These months, felt very quick and slow at the same time. But within those months, there were many irreplaceable moments I cherish dearly. I'm sure you know, as there were so much to remember.

Thank you for being such a great friend.
I'm really glad I met you.
Once again, thank you very much.

Your greatest friend,

Thursday, July 2, 2009

First day of July ;

Hi readers,

Since I write very late, my entries tends to be a day or two behind.
Anyways, yesterday was the first day of July. It's been great so far, actually. Slam Dunk anime when I woke up, and another session of surfing the Internet. The usual day, eeehh T__T

I went to Skuh's place during the afternoon for a movie night. Unforunately, due to certain reasons and a dentist appointment that night, the only thing I could do was pass by her house and bid my farewell...for now. The dentist appointment only took me 30 minutes this time, when before it took me more than an hour which sucked T___T. Home, there were visitors who came by. Pretty chill people, but since they're adults, I can't intervene. So here, I'm once again locked up in my room writing a blog :]

AUGH! I tried using my phone's old battery which had a bad history of keeping the phone on for at least 30 minutes. While I was out, my phone died on me. I tried turning it on but it will turn off on me before it even gives me a chance to look at the home screen! The phone reads 95% though. Friggin weird. So I had to use my dad's phone to recieve tweets and message temporarily and boy, I had a hard time typing on ABC 123-completely not my way of inputting text messages anymore. As soon as I came back home, I swapped the battery and charged it! Never going back to the busted battery again...T__T

I'm going to miss Skuh, as well. She's been so great to me for the past two years. I just hope this will never change wherever she goes. But then, I still haven't forgotten about the shoes I'm going to buy soon and have her draw on it! *sigh, seriously, I'm sobbing and crying. (((T____________T;)

So the first day was fun, I guess.
I wonder what the second day will give me.
Thanks for reading!

In honest thoughts;