Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last day of the month ;

Oh, hai.

Today is the last day of June. Time files very fast, really. I didn't even realize the month of June is going to end soon and July will take its place.

As of events that happened over the course of the month, not much happened actually. There were tough times as much there were amazingly fun times. From the last weeks of school, finally the taste of freedom after school ended, living in my own room for a large amount of time to actually going outside and experience Summer.

The beginning of the month, I was studying for the Finals. Afternoons filled with very long naps and sleepless nights/early mornings topped with power naps along the way while cramming every bit of information before I get ready for school.
After days of asking people to sign my yearbook and silly conversations here and there, school finally came to an end. Happiness was brought to my heart without hesitation. From there, I know I just have to be smiling xD

Just when things became awesome, I realized I have nowhere to go on this barren town filled with nothing. I was forced to stay in my room and live here. Anime, JDrama, and theInternet kept me busy...and bored at the same time. The same routine was on effect on the first two weeks of summer.

Two weekends ago, I went to the Grand Canyon. Very beautiful and breathtaking. It was very cool and was lucky the climate was like that when we were there. Phoenix was a hellhole, though. It was too hot and dry, I can't stand it!

But the best day of Summer happened a few days ago! My friend's birthday party at the beach! There were at least 25 of us and it was a lot of fun. It felt like ages the last time I saw everybody, especially the recent graduates whom I'm going to miss. It was also my first time going outside since. Let's just keep it that way, yay!

Despite the month being very quick, many great things to me. Plethora amounts of firsts, happiness, mixed emotions and boredom. I'd keep to myself what happened exactly. But, yeah!

Summing up what happened over the month, it's been great!
I'm glad and very happy. Tons of unexpected things happened. Whether its good or bad, it doesn't matter to me. It still gave me an awesome month for me to experience.

Now I must wave GoodBye to June and welcome July with open arms
and hopefully, July will give me a great month for me to see.

Till then,

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