Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lately ;

I've been doing a lot of things.
Schoolwork here, there, throw in a few projects and homework along the way.
Leaving me very tired who lacks sleep.

But, I stayed up all night.
From thursday night, I didn't go to sleep at all.

Why, you ask?
I was creating something for my friend.
My friend's birthday gift, that is.
Two origami bunnies and a birthday note.

What my friend doesn't know is I also wrote a note
at one of the bunnies then folded it.
It's on a more deeper tone than the cheerful, obvious birthday note I wrote xD
I dont know if I should tell, or have them figure it out on their own.

Writing the notes took me a long time.
It took me more than 3 hours!
Folding the bunny didn't take that much.
But hey! xD

When everything was done, I felt a big relief.
I felt very happy on what I did.
Staying up all night without any sleep to create something for my friend.
I know my efforts didn't go to waste.
My hard work will pay off soon.
And it made me smile more than I have lately xD

I hope my friend is happy.
That's all I wish for. :]


Happy Birthday ;

Today is my friend's birthday.

As I stated on my other post,
I gave her two origami bunnies and a note
...also a note inside one bunny xD

I know I won't see my friend today
So I gave it to her yesterday.
She thanked me upon recieving.

Today, I greeted her again.
My friend thanked me again.
She also told me she also 'loved' the bunnies I folded.

I was happy.
That made my day.
I never knew something so simple can make someone happy.
I haven't smiled this much for a long time.
...I almost forgot how it is!

I cannot express anything else but happiness
and how grateful I am. xD

Though I know,
I will be falling asleep
With a smile in my face. :]

Happy Birthday, best friend.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I just had the thought again.
Where did our friendship go?

Not too long ago, we used to talk every single time.
We would entertain each other, laugh at one another and smile together.
Those times, were the best.
I've never felt so happy before.
Or maybe, my true happiness showed.

Now that it's gone. I dont know what to do.
Months have passed since, and I still look back.
Remembering, how the feeling was.
The feeling is still there. But they're merely memories
and it is in the depths of oblivion.

I'm very sad.
What's worse, you don't realize it.
I always want to talk, but I can't.
Also, I'm scared...

I'm wondering;
Where did our friendship go?