Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Not complete ;

My summer vacation, that is.

I didn't complete my summer vacation the way I wanted it or wished to be.
I was very upset. I kept being enthusiastic about it for two months.
But it never happened.

I'll just keep everything as it is.
Blahh, I'll see them tomorrow. I hope this 'reunion' will be great.
Because I miss them.

But, after all.
My summer is incomplete. T__T

The conclusion ;

Today concludes my summer vacation.
Tomorrow, I shall go to school and start my life as a Junior.

This summer, was kind of boring and fun at the same time.
I did a lot of things; watched anime, JDrama, endless hours online and sleeping...oh, the sleep is important!
...I think there's more, I'm not sure.

Many ups and downs happened over the past two months.
I got so excited over the smallest things, yet it's usually the same ones that pulls me down.
Philippine Allstars defending first place during prelims but they end up on 4th place at the Finals, expecting for a few hangouts only to be cancelled or whatnot because of something, wanting to learn a lot of things but ends up failing and such. *sigh.
Procrastination sucked toooo. I was supposed to blog about tons of things, but I ended up not doing so T__T
It's weird, you may say. xD

Despite all that, I think I had fun.
...I think

Oh well, time to enjoy school! :]


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Don't you hate it ;

Don't you hate it
When you finally tried calling someone
after hours or maybe days of fear
only to find out they didn't answer?

Don't you hate it
When you sent someone a text message
waiting for hours and hours... for their response
But you didnt recieve anything.

Don't you hate it
When you set out plans
with someone whom you consider very important to you
Only something happened for it to cancel.

Last of all.
Don't you hate it
When you really need someone
But they're not there for you.

I lost hope.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's been ;

Six months since.
I am grateful for everything.
I am very glad I met you.
I'm so happy we became friends.

Thank you.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

An unexpected surprise ;

Today, I went to school to pick up my schedule and textbooks. I tried making the process as quick as possible to get it over with. I didn't see that much people around, so I sat down all by myself. I also decided to stay in campus for a while.

Back to the point,
When pretty much everybody left, I was at one of the tables with just me alone just spacing out and staring into nothing.
Eventually, I saw someone. It looked like the person but I wasn't sure.
I keep asking myself, "Is that who I think it is?".
I wanted to come closer but I'm still not sure!

When they left, I found out...
...it was the person.

I was very surprised!
I can't believe it. It was so unexpected, really!
An unexpected surprise, indeed.

I'm glad they came back safe and sound.
Seeing the person again...
...I was happy.

You know,
Welcome Back.


PS; Geez, I'm horrible at writing things now. T__T